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Monday, September 28, 2015

Chapter Five – Spiritual Contacts

Chapter Five – Spiritual Contacts

“Trance and Channeled Works”

As we open ourselves to the reality of spirit, we change the perceptions we have of life, a new richness starts to intertwine itself into its fabric of what we do on a daily basis.

The energies that are brought to us are significant and in some respect, mold who we are to become, as we sense spirit we become open to the new realities of the afterlife.

In my imagination I see an Indian Guide (White Feather) comes and sits by a fire and then throws a paper scroll down ….as if to write …

This channeled works as we call it will take place over many months, as you become sensitive to our movement of energy we will speak to you, in these moments of clarity; you will define truth that will then become truths for others.

We only ask that what you give you give honestly and without favor, the position you have put yourself in here will allow us to give many words to others.

We would like to start by speaking about truth to self. Truth to self is all we can be, it’s what makes us be the best we can and as we walk our paths we see the life we live unfolding before us.

When you say you wish to know the truth you should look deeper and determine what truths you wish to know. As some times the ones you are shown are not the truth you wish to see.

If they don’t fit in your categories then you either feel uncomfortable or run, like little children away from what you have now seen to be this new truth.

In the beginning we can help you to see past the fear of self and look to deeper wisdom.

Being a child is like a running river, the water does not know where it is going… but it is going, and is part of a greater stream.

We would like to now tell you of some basic truths in which you can place comfort for your lives.

1) Always be truthful to yourself and others, this premise allows you to build the main foundation of your life and to not waste time building un truths about what you do and do not do.

2) Be kind to others, this truth allows you to be kind to self and then to also see who you are in other people’s lives. Kindness allows you to open yourself and then allows love to flow to others through you from the universal spirit.

3) Peacefulness, be at peace with each other, and be one with all, to be at peace means to love one another and to hold out your hand in forgiveness of another’s transgressions.

4) Be calm, calmness allows you to float on life’s currents and to approach each decision with clarity, this allow you a sense of peace and understanding.

From these basic truths we will teach you the truth about yourself and about what is to be bought forward by us to you.

5) Mildness, this brings balance to everything you do, you are able to sense who you are to become and what other thoughts are about their situations, when you look at others you see parts of yourself you wish not to see or wish to see those then either attract or repel you from people, if you see the person as you, as soul as who you and they really are, you will see them as a brother or sister, and give them the common love they deserve.

6:Triviality of self, to define this in a person allows us to give to them who we are , we seek to give ourselves to others so we can complete who we are , but this is not so, we should give to others as we would give to ourselves.

7) Free to love, freely love one another as you would your own children, when you contract to have this physicality, you soon forget who you were, freely love without fear of denial or regret.

It strengthens the bond back to the aspects of self that you are the totality of.

8)Honesty, is not the same as truthfulness, honesty allows you to deal with others in a way they can accept, if you are to show them the truth about a situation, they may not accept fully the outcomes, with honesty you can be open and give the portions of which allow a fullness in a relationship with another. This allows people to experience life themselves and not be placed in the rigid confines of another’s structure or truth (that for some part may be highly inaccurate)

9) Worldliness, yes be in the world but not of it, seek to find the things in life that brings spiritual satisfaction and not worldly gains, as you strive to collect items to yourself from the physical realm, you create a situation where you only find you are locked in a prison, seek what you truly know will set you free, spiritual truth, search within yourself to find the aspects of self that bring forth fruit, these are the things that you should strive for.

10) Forgiveness, always forgive others, because you then forgive yourself, be not like the wind in this process, but be firm in your desire to let go of the things that can bind you to this earth plain.

Channeled Discussions: “Italics are my statements”

Teaching energies raise our consciousness to the vibrational state where we think and act like higher beings, conscious of other vibrational forms and energy. We also face the issues of moving through them, if we choose to channel energies this place will feel like home to us.

“Life is like a class room” (Channelled information)

Guide: All schools have different classrooms, you are sent to the one you need to go to.

When you are finished the course, you can use the book as a reference but you will go to a new classroom as everything is growth.

“Do some lose their way, and never get to class?”

Guide: That is their classroom, always was, always will be.

We grow in some aspect. So every one good, bad, indifferent, is growing, like in nature you cannot see grass grow if you stare at it, walk away and come back its grown.

We are given a choice at each incarnation, we see as we transition, we have not moved too far and then we decide for change as we need constant growth as well.

“What of the teachers like you do they come back?”

Guide: No one is perfection.

We do not come back to this plain of existence for growth; there are many other realities and places for growth.

This linear existence is for the vibrational states that need to move past this stage.

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