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Monday, September 28, 2015

Chapter Eight – Dimensional and Extra-terrestrial Entities

Chapter Eight – Dimensional and Extra-terrestrial Entities

(An excerpt from the book  “A Primer of the Zeta race”)

There are many extra-terrestrial races, countless races. So far in my estimation, there are around a thousand of them within our reach.
We deal with four races, but my main contact is from the Zeta Reticuli star system. I have had a physical visit via a craft from the Zeta being who was accompanied by a companion of the same race.
We were not able to speak to each other then, as this initial meeting took place at a distance of around fifty meters. I wondered for a time why there was no closer contact, but now I realize the craft was emitting a frequency and I would have sustained burns if I had gone too near. At this encounter I had three friends with me, three human witnesses who saw the two beings as well.
We have encountered energetic beings from other races who have physical form and live in our galaxy, as well as some non-corporeal beings. We deal primarily with four races who introduced themselves using our language as Zeta, Anunnaki, Sirius, and Pleiadian. The main guide, a Zeta, is in physical form and he does occasionally connect to me telepathically under the right conditions.
After many years of development, we have been able to connect successfully to the races of beings and, via a controlled trance-like state, they have performed the functions of discussion, healing, and manipulation of physical electrical items.
During the trance sessions, the Zeta has been seen by others from this planet.
An appropriate energy field was needed for me to be blended by the ET entities. The field which was created took many years to develop.
After the initial three years of development, the Zeta race took a further two years to develop the proper connections. After this, connection to the Annunaki took another year, and now we are working to integrate the Sirius beings.
Each race has its own defined energy, and when they come, the energy has to change to accommodate their race. Each race acts semi-independently of the others, as one race must step away to allow another to access the blended energy, change it, speak, and then relinquish control to the main guide.
When I first started allowing beings to speak through me, or even come anywhere near me, I ended up like I had been sunburnt. The redness would dissipate after a few hours. I think I needed to be changed on two levels, the physical and the etheric, to accommodate the visits.
Once the etheric changes were in place, I was able to receive huge amounts of energy while being immune to the energy's ability to make me unwell. Physically, I am stronger and am able to support the connection process. The beings who have adapted come regularly, but even a new visitor from one of the same races, like a second Zeta being, causes energy changes. This puts me in an energetic state so that I am unable to sleep all night. I become restless, but am not tired at all the next day - it’s exactly the opposite, I'm energized!
Let me state clearly, I do not hear from the ETs every day, and I do not hear voices speaking to me. I have a set protocol that no being is to interfere with me while I am working, going to work, or living my daily life. So, if they wish to connect to me, we use the energy of connection to create the correct process, and a portal allows them to speak to us.
I always felt I would like to have a solid visitation via a craft, so years later we contacted them and asked them to come again in a craft, and they did.
A group of us (about 15 people) were sitting in a circle around a camp fire on a large rural property.  It was a cold night and the sky was clear, only stars were visible. To our right, a mist slowly moved over the hillside and then completely enveloped the group.
Suddenly all of the dogs for miles around were howling, some of us saw a craft land and then we heard footsteps all around us. We felt the energy of the beings (like you would feel a person standing behind you). The dogs continued to howl and would not stop until the craft left. It was a wonderful experience, one I would wish for all people to have.
The ETs say that a human must ask for interaction. They don't “just turn up” and support people. Permission on many levels must be given by a human before they will aid individuals. Intent is the most powerful process.

One race called the Anorians often state “So you think, so you are”.  This is a very powerful concept.
I always ask for the best and highest good when dealing with a race, but unfortunately, some experiences may occur with some entities, including those who may occasionally be attached to humans. But everything is an experience of a sort, and we always learn from each process to become more refined and stronger in the journey.
There are many realms and races within realms. Not all of these beings are “full of love and light”, and from what I have personally witnessed, it takes great effort and skill to properly clear one's etheric field of unwanted races and devices. Any development process that a person undertakes must be a full commitment. A human must fully consider what the ramifications of the changes may be in the life of the individual and their family if they have one.
A being interacts with a human by entering information via the etheric body. This information filters into parts of the brain and manifests in various ways. For example, the words selected by the being come out of the human's mouth. The being automatically thinks in the human's "word pool". My Zeta guide has used words unknown to me, and often I need to look them up. As such words are so distant from the way I think, I know that words are also taken from other pools of information.
Changes made to the human involve the level of energy available to the whole reception process. The ETs spent a long time learning how to move my hands and fingers, how to breathe, and even if need be, have a sip of water. After all those changes, my personality is still the same. I am a very grounded person, and I am monitored closely by those who know me well. They would have told me if I had been affected in any way.
I am fastidious in regards to recording and documenting every sitting. Over the five years we have been collecting data, we are able to cross reference all information to see if there are patterns, or if there are inconsistencies in what’s been said. Over the five years, we have found no inconsistencies.


Many people talk of ascension as a time of transformation, but those who think that this involves a particular date will be disappointed. The ET race has said, there will be no ascension on any given date. What many humans want is an external process for change, but whatever changes that take place are internal.
 No race will take on the burden of ascension for another race. They may aid and support a race to increase consciousness, but never will they cause a race to ascend. This would be an onerous process, and not sustainable for that race.
Everything you can be, you have the ability to develop now.
Everyone has the ability now to access their energetic form and the connection and communication that goes with that. What ultimate ramifications that would have for humans globally is not known by me, but that level of consciousness would certainly make for a better world.
Humans are good at giving their power to others, but the ETs do not want that. The Sirius, Zetas, Pleiadians and other beings say that all humans have the ability to develop, but it's up to them to set the intent, to develop and experience for themselves, and to discover who they really are.

The spirit world:

It has been stated by the Anunnaki that the spirit realm was created by them to hold the developing consciousness of humans. They saw that human consciousness had become self-aware after transition. The spirit realm is a dynamic existence, and the spirits' understanding of reality comes from prior knowledge and from what they perceive their reality to be. As a result, they are unable to recognize what is happening in totality. They do try to give humans a good answer about the structure of the spirit realm when asked, but it does fall short. Most times they don't even know of ET races. Spirits cannot move outside of their understanding of their existence unless they are under the influence of another higher form.
The section below categorises the main states of existence as seen by extraterrestrials, this is by no means a full description of possible existences.

States of separation and existence:

First conditional state:

Consciousness is living a physical existence; it is veiled from its true existence and on passing as a transitional process is moved to a spherical realm where you will stay for a period of time.

This is determined by your belief structures and energies you are currently associated with, being your guides and energies you are working with.

It would be seen that you may transition from this physical state to the temporal etheric realm as a temporary transition state and move outside of that sphere of understanding depending on your initial state of transition of the energy body, prior to the incarnation of the being you are.

 This determines where you are to transition to. It is comfortable for you to believe in the spirit realm and existence outside of this corporeal body.

The spirit realms were created to contain the consciousness of a human entity, it was seen that when humans were first created that they required a transitional holding ground, after they had transitioned to this energetic container they could then choose to move back to a physical form if they wished.

Second conditional state:

A human spirit form may be contacted while they are on the physical planet, by a race of extraterrestrials, or, they may be contacted by a race once they are in the transitional realms.

Either way, once this process has occurred, the human may choose what path it wishes to take, in saying this, the human has choice.

Where they decide to manifest, what physical or etheric realms they move to, is up to them, they will quickly know what realm they will be moving to, this will be determined by a process of self-discovery in an energetic form and consciousness.

Beings who use this process will bypass the originating spiritual realm container and move to a intersecting transitional realm, this frequency is not available to  the transcended human frequencies, but to the hybrid beings, the ones who have moved to a different awareness, in conjunction with a being from another race.

Third conditional state:

The last state is the transitional state of a being who either holds an interdimensional frame work as an existence or a being who holds a physical form in one of the many universes (remember, spirit realms cross physical boundaries, and not all spirit are from the planet earth)

 This being will purposely move to a physical existence as a human, their consciousness is one directly connected with their other self, the extra-terrestrial or interdimensional self.

How this being is able to live two existences is an interesting discussion, one example is that a being may live 1500 years in earth time, this being through an act of separation may leave their own form and move to an existence in the earth realms.

They live their lives, and when ready, they move back to the original container or place of existence.

 The original container has been in stasis, and is in preparation for the return of the original consciousness. 

All memories, all encounters and experiences are reintegrated to the original beings mind set, while the being is in the earth realms, they will have a conscious understandings of where they are from, but will not have full access to all memories or abilities.

Most of the full levels of consciousness or higher order process of thought and existence are placed into a collective state, and are reintegrated to the process of consciousness once the being is fully returned to the original form of self.

Does all life have consciousness?

Another topic to be discussed is the matter of the belief that all smaller forms of life are not able to transition to different states of existence, an example is, that an ant may not have a consciousness, this is not a correct statement, all life, all forms of existence have consciousness, all are a form of energy which exists and transmutes to each new state after its transition.

This places all beings into a quandary, do they eat what they know to have consciousness, or perish without sustenance.

All energies, when moving to form will choose what form they take, whether it be animal or mineral, there is full consciousness of the form they have taken and, the ramifications of that existence.

One chooses to eat meat or to not eat meat, this is an easy decision, the processes of consumption determine the way in which a human form extracts the necessary proteins and acids from meat, there are many substitutable forms of energies available, in all things each being has choice.

 No one is to tell you what you must do, in this you all have free will, and with the understanding of the ramifications of what a certain meat or substance will do to a human, then brings the ramifications of that decision to the being.

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